HOUSING INFORMATION for JUNE 22-27, 2025 - PHASE TWO RESIDENCY HALL (B30 on Campus Map and Parking 41)
We provide a suite, two separate bedrooms with a shared bathroom and living space. Two students per suite.
HOUSING STUDENTS - Phase II (B30 on Campus Map)
CHECK-IN: Sunday, JUNE 22, 2025
6:00-7:30 PM
CHECK-OUT: Friday, JUNE 27, 2025
LATE DEPARTURE STUDENTS (MUST be Pre-Approved - Required)
Check-Out: Saturday, JUNE 28, 2025
8:30 AM at Phase II (B30 on Campus Map)
COMMUTER STUDENTS - Music Building (B26 on Campus Map)
Check-In: Monday, JUNE 23, 2025
7:30-8:00 AM
will be held at 10:00 AM in the Music Building (B26 on campus map)
Click here for driving DIRECTIONS to TAMU-Commerce
Click here for a CAMPUS MAP
CAMP RULES and Parent Information
Keith Meek
214.236.8441 EMERGENCY Contact Number
Email: [email protected]
Dorm Parents are qualified music educators that will be on site 24 hours a day and available to assist students at all times. In addition, they will be staying over night in the dormitories to supervise students after hours.
Camp Counselors are current undergraduate music students at Texas A & M University – Commerce or other major universities. Counselors are in charge of making sure that students arrive safely to their designated camp activities in addition to supervising students during meals, and extra curricular activities.
Medical care will be available on a 24-hour basis for all students residing in the dormitory and available to all students while on campus. In cases when a camper is referred by the Student Health Center to outside medical facilities (medical laboratories, x-ray facilities, etc.), the medical expense will be charged to the parent or guardian. Please bring family insurance information with you in the unlikely event of an emergency.
Violation of camp rules and dormitory regulations may result in the student's expulsion from camp without refund.
Parents will be notified and arrangements will be made to send the student home at the parent’s expense.
Students must adhere to evening dormitory hours listed in the schedule
Parents will be notified and arrangements will be made to send the student home.
HOUSING STUDENTS - Phase II (B30 on Campus Map)
CHECK-IN: Sunday, JUNE 22, 2025
6:00-7:30 PM
CHECK-OUT: Friday, JUNE 27, 2025
LATE DEPARTURE STUDENTS (MUST be Pre-Approved - Required)
Check-Out: Saturday, JUNE 28, 2025
8:30 AM at Phase II (B30 on Campus Map)
COMMUTER STUDENTS - Music Building (B26 on Campus Map)
Check-In: Monday, JUNE 23, 2025
7:30-8:00 AM
will be held at 10:00 AM in the Music Building (B26 on campus map)
Click here for driving DIRECTIONS to TAMU-Commerce
Click here for a CAMPUS MAP
CAMP RULES and Parent Information
Keith Meek
214.236.8441 EMERGENCY Contact Number
Email: [email protected]
Dorm Parents are qualified music educators that will be on site 24 hours a day and available to assist students at all times. In addition, they will be staying over night in the dormitories to supervise students after hours.
Camp Counselors are current undergraduate music students at Texas A & M University – Commerce or other major universities. Counselors are in charge of making sure that students arrive safely to their designated camp activities in addition to supervising students during meals, and extra curricular activities.
Medical care will be available on a 24-hour basis for all students residing in the dormitory and available to all students while on campus. In cases when a camper is referred by the Student Health Center to outside medical facilities (medical laboratories, x-ray facilities, etc.), the medical expense will be charged to the parent or guardian. Please bring family insurance information with you in the unlikely event of an emergency.
- Daily Camp Meeting is held each morning. Attendance is required of all campers.
- Camp Office is located in the Music Building, Room 194. Faculty or counselors are on duty in this room during the day for your assistance.
- Residents leaving the campus for any reason without written permission from parents or guardians of students may be dismissed from camp without refund. Residents are not to ride in anything other than a University marked vehicle, unless checked out by a parent or guardian. Campus boundaries for campers include the dorms, Student Center, and the Music Building. Students are not allowed to go beyond the designated facilities or into any University building where there is no camp activity.
- Campers must be accompanied by a counselor or staff member at all times. This is the policy of the Texas A & M University-Commerce Police Department and must be followed at all times.
- Food and beverages (other than water) are not allowed in the Recital Hall, rehearsal halls, or classrooms.
- Camp Badges must be worn in a visible location on the shirt at all times and should be worn only by the owner of the badge.
- Dorm Keys are required and must be attached to the name badges at all times (resident campers only).
- All personal property, including instruments, purses, and money are the responsibility of the owners at all times. Metro Musical Productions, BLAST OF BRASS, nor the university and summer camps take any responsibility for lost or misplaced belongings. It is not advisable that students keep large sums of money in dorm rooms. Items of value should not be left unattended in any university room or building. Names should be clearly marked on all property. It is strongly recommended that parents make note of instrument make, model, and serial numbers before the student arrives at camp.
- Automobiles belonging to campers may not be used during the hours of the camp. Permits for parking your car on the campus are required; these will be provided at check-in.
- Students taking prescription drugs should notify camp administrators on the medical release form and include the specific medicine, dosage, and frequency of medication. Failure to adhere to this policy will be considered a violation of university drug policies and may result in suspension from camp without refund.
- Students should dress appropriately. Inappropriate clothing or clothing with offensive slogans will not be tolerated. The cafeteria is a public area and all persons should wear shoes and be appropriately clothed.
- Pets, alcoholic beverages, knives, illegal drugs, smoking, gambling, explosives, and weapons of any kind are forbidden on the university campus at all times. Violation of this policy will result in dismissal from camp without refund as well as possible prosecution.
- Attendance at rehearsals and performances is mandatory of all participants. Any absence must be cleared in advance by notifying in writing the camp director and instructors in charge.
- Any student leaving campus (with permission) must sign out through the camp office. (Music Building, room 194)
- Cellular phones, pagers, and other small electronic devices are prohibited in all rehearsals and master classes.
- Each camp member is responsible for keeping the dorm room clean, in order, and free from damage. Campers will be responsible for any damage to the room.
- Athletic activities are prohibited in the residence halls. Running, playing, throwing, and similar activities are to be done outside the buildings.
- All camp members are expected to respect the rights and property of others. Loud noise and similar intrusive behavior are prohibited.
- Other basic rules of conduct will be presented during our organizational meetings on Sunday. Failure to observe these requests could result in early dismissal from the camp with no refund of tuition and fees.
Violation of camp rules and dormitory regulations may result in the student's expulsion from camp without refund.
Parents will be notified and arrangements will be made to send the student home at the parent’s expense.
Students must adhere to evening dormitory hours listed in the schedule
- Running is not allowed in the residence halls.
- Rooms should be kept locked at all times.
- Lost room keys must be replaced by the student at a cost of $45.00 per key.
- Lights out and complete quiet will be observed at 11:30 p.m. Students violating lights out rules will be subject to disciplinary action.
- Telephones are not to be used by students after lights out. Abuse of phone privileges will result in loss of the phone for the duration of camp.
- Lounges should be kept neat and free of clutter at all times.
- Students are not allowed to enter the rooms or floors of the opposite sex at any time.
- Dormitory rooms must be kept clean at all times. Persons occupying rooms are responsible for any defacement of dorm property. Each person in the room will be held responsible and any damages will be charged to the individual by the University Business Office.
- No Practicing in Dorm Rooms.
- Dormitory windows are to remain closed and free of writings, signs, etc. at all times.
- Radios, televisions, or stereos should not be audible outside the dorm room. Violation of this policy may result in confiscation of the device until the end of camp.
- Fire escape and tornado information is posted in the residence hall and should be read by all campers.
- No unauthorized person may be in the dormitory at any time. This includes students participating in other camps being held on campus. Boy/girl friends should be instructed not to visit on campus during the camp week.
Parents will be notified and arrangements will be made to send the student home.