This page is being provided to avoid email announcements being lost in Spam / Junk folders. Please check here to see if there have been any ALL CAMP emails sent out recently. If you discover that you have NOT received an email listed here, first check your Spam/Junk folder, if not found, then please email our office for your update. We have also added a page on our site where you can see the emails sent. Please follow this link to view the actual emails sent to ALL CAMPERS and PARENTS: SENT EMAILS
Thanks for helping us stay connected and up-to-date!
Thanks for helping us stay connected and up-to-date!
ALL CAMP EMAIL announcements...
Click here to view the list of EMAILS SENT
BLAST OF BRASS sent out an ALL CAMP email this afternoon. It was giving everyone directions to access your Final Details on the website. Please visit the website at and click on FINAL DETAILS to review the SIX STEPS.
BLAST OF BRASS will be sending out a FINAL CAMP DETAILS EMAIL on Thursday, June 30 before Noon. Please check your email box and spam box for that email. It will include the Who, What, When, Where, and What to Wear and Bring for camp.
JUNE 15, 2022 - Email (Dropbox Links)
Please check your emails for your AUDITION DROPBOX LINKS. All students and parents were emailed today between 8:30am and 5:30pm.
JUNE 13, 2022 - Email (Audition Tips and Email Test)
Today, Monday, June 13th, we will be sending out a TEST email to the FULL CAMP with AUDITION TIPS. The email should be sent by 8:00PM tonight. Please check your email, Spam/Junk folders for an email from [email protected]. We will be sending your Audition details. It will include tips on how to record your audition and give dates on WHEN and HOW to have your videos uploaded. We will be sending individual emails out by June 15th with secure links to your Dropbox folder for you to begin uploading your recordings. IF you DO NOT receive an email from [email protected] by tomorrow morning, please be sure to reach out to us via email.
JUNE 8, 2022 - 9:48AM
We have been in communication with Google to correct our emails from being blocked as Spam. They have guided us through the process of verifying our email. The process may take up to 24 hours for Google to scroll through and discover that we are verified. Please be patient as we walk through this issue with Google. We will be testing our emails throughout the day today. Once we can verify that we are free to use Google / Gmail accounts again, we will resend our emails to the FULL CAMP and PARENTS. (I'm a bit stumped as to why they choose to put us in email jail, but thanks for your patience through the process.)
JUNE 7, 2022
We have sent an ALL CAMP EMAIL out at 8:30AM. It is to confirm that students have been registered and gives answers to the most common questions. If you have not received this email, please check your Spam/Junk folders, and then if it's not found, please feel free to email us at [email protected]
JUNE 6, 2022
An ALL CAMP email will be sent out on Tuesday morning, JUNE 7th. This email will confirm that your student has been registered for BOB 2022 and it will give you the basic updates for the audition schedule, it will include details for check-in on July 11, and an update on Early Check-In for those coming longer distances who need to arrive on Sunday evening. Please check for this email on TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 2022.
Click here to view the list of EMAILS SENT
BLAST OF BRASS sent out an ALL CAMP email this afternoon. It was giving everyone directions to access your Final Details on the website. Please visit the website at and click on FINAL DETAILS to review the SIX STEPS.
BLAST OF BRASS will be sending out a FINAL CAMP DETAILS EMAIL on Thursday, June 30 before Noon. Please check your email box and spam box for that email. It will include the Who, What, When, Where, and What to Wear and Bring for camp.
JUNE 15, 2022 - Email (Dropbox Links)
Please check your emails for your AUDITION DROPBOX LINKS. All students and parents were emailed today between 8:30am and 5:30pm.
JUNE 13, 2022 - Email (Audition Tips and Email Test)
Today, Monday, June 13th, we will be sending out a TEST email to the FULL CAMP with AUDITION TIPS. The email should be sent by 8:00PM tonight. Please check your email, Spam/Junk folders for an email from [email protected]. We will be sending your Audition details. It will include tips on how to record your audition and give dates on WHEN and HOW to have your videos uploaded. We will be sending individual emails out by June 15th with secure links to your Dropbox folder for you to begin uploading your recordings. IF you DO NOT receive an email from [email protected] by tomorrow morning, please be sure to reach out to us via email.
JUNE 8, 2022 - 9:48AM
We have been in communication with Google to correct our emails from being blocked as Spam. They have guided us through the process of verifying our email. The process may take up to 24 hours for Google to scroll through and discover that we are verified. Please be patient as we walk through this issue with Google. We will be testing our emails throughout the day today. Once we can verify that we are free to use Google / Gmail accounts again, we will resend our emails to the FULL CAMP and PARENTS. (I'm a bit stumped as to why they choose to put us in email jail, but thanks for your patience through the process.)
JUNE 7, 2022
We have sent an ALL CAMP EMAIL out at 8:30AM. It is to confirm that students have been registered and gives answers to the most common questions. If you have not received this email, please check your Spam/Junk folders, and then if it's not found, please feel free to email us at [email protected]
JUNE 6, 2022
An ALL CAMP email will be sent out on Tuesday morning, JUNE 7th. This email will confirm that your student has been registered for BOB 2022 and it will give you the basic updates for the audition schedule, it will include details for check-in on July 11, and an update on Early Check-In for those coming longer distances who need to arrive on Sunday evening. Please check for this email on TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 2022.